Ministerial Practices

The use of practically all radio systems and products is subject to the issue of specific authorization by the competent Ministry: we also deal directly with this aspect.

COM.EL. SNC can produce and instruct on behalf of the client all of the various and necessary practices and technical documents needed for requests to submit to the Ministry of Economic Development - Communications Department the granting of the use of frequencies of radio equipment of various types, genres and methods.

Our technicians are alongside the customer as much for the forwarding of the aforesaid practices, as for the subsequent document management (for updates, modifications, renewals and consultancy / support during the inspections) towards the Ministry of Rome and the Territorial Inspectors.

In general, the timing for the definition and the obtainment of the various practices, if managed by our staff, can be more than halved compared to the personal initiative of the client. Contact us for further information on these aspects, our offices will provide you with any clarifications.